using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.util; using edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.control; namespace edu.neu.ccs.demeterf{ public abstract class Control{ public Control(){ foreach(Type t in Util.builtInTypes)builtInList.Add(t); } /** Returns an immutable Control that permits the Everywhere Traversal */ public static Control everywhere(){ return new Everywhere(); } /** Returns an immutable Control that permits the OneStep Traversal */ public static Control nowhere(){ return new Nowhere(); } /** Returns a mutable Control with the given Classes as BuiltIns */ public static MutableControl builtins(params Type[] ts){ MutableControl ec = bypass(new Edge[0]); foreach(Type t in ts)ec.addBuiltIn(t); return ec; } /** Returns a mutable Control that bypasses the given Edges */ public static MutableControl bypass(params Edge[] edges){ return new EdgeBypass(edges); } /** Returns a mutable Control that bypasses the edges given in the string. Edges * are of the form: "Class1.field Class2.field ...". Full package names may * be used, or Type.addPath(...) can be used to add a package to the class * lookup path*/ /** C#!! When you are using a namespace qualified type that is compiled into a * separate library, the order of the names is a little backwards: * Namespace.Name.Type+Inner,Assembly.Name.Field * * E.g., ",DemeterF.firstF" * */ public static MutableControl bypass(String s){ return new EdgeBypass(s); } /** Same as bypassing(String) but the first is a package in which to search * for classes */ public static MutableControl bypass(String pkg, String s){ return new EdgeBypass(pkg,s); } /** Returns a mutable Control that bypasses all the Edges of the given classes */ public static MutableControl bypass(params Type[] cs){ return new EdgeBypass(cs); } /** Returns a mutable Control that only traverses the given Edges */ public static MutableControl only(params Edge[] edges){ return new EdgeOnly(edges); } /** Returns a mutable Control that only traverses the edges given in the string. Edges * are of the form: "Class1.field Class2.field ...". Full package names may * be used, or Type.addPath(...) can be used to add a package to the class * lookup path*/ public static MutableControl only(String s){ return new EdgeOnly(s); } /** Same as only(String) but the first is a package in which to search * for classes */ public static MutableControl only(String pkg, String s){ return new EdgeOnly(pkg,s); } /** Returns a mutable Control that only traverses the Edges of the given classes */ public static MutableControl only(params Type[] cs){ return new EdgeOnly(cs); } /** Returns a mutable Control that ignores the given Edges */ public static MutableControl remove(params Edge[] edges){ return new EdgeRemove(edges); } /** Returns a mutable Control that ignores the edges given in the string. Edges * are of the form: "Class1.field Class2.field ...". Full package names may * be used, or Type.addPath(...) can be used to add a package to the class * lookup path*/ public static MutableControl remove(String s){ return new EdgeRemove(s); } /** Same as remove(String) but the first is a package in which to search * for classes */ public static MutableControl remove(String pkg, String s){ return new EdgeRemove(pkg,s); } /** Returns a mutable Control that ignores all the Edges of the given classes */ public static MutableControl remove(params Type[] cs){ return new EdgeRemove(cs); } // List of Primitive Classes protected List builtInList = new List(); // Returns whether or not tthe given Class is a Builtin public bool isBuiltIn(Type t){ return builtInList.Contains(t); } // Returns whether or not to bypass the given Class/Field public abstract bool skip(Type c, String f); // Returns whether or not to bypass the given Edge public abstract bool skip(Edge e); /** Returns whether or not to bypass/skip the given Class/Field */ public abstract bool ignore(Type c, String f); /** Returns whether or not to bypass/skip the given Edge */ public abstract bool ignore(Edge e); } }