// ** This class was generated with DemFGen (vers:11/17/2009)

namespace edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.http.classes{

using edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

using System;

/** Representation of HTTPHead */
public abstract class HTTPHead{
    protected readonly URL url;
    protected readonly HTTPVer ver;

    /** Construct a(n) HTTPHead Instance */
    public HTTPHead(URL url, HTTPVer ver){
        this.url = url;
        this.ver = ver;
    /** Parse an instance of HTTPHead from the given String */
    public static new HTTPHead Parse(String inpt) {
        return new TheParser(new System.IO.StringReader(inpt)).parse_HTTPHead();
    /** Parse an instance of HTTPHead from the given Stream */
    public static new HTTPHead Parse(System.IO.Stream inpt) {
        return new TheParser(inpt).parse_HTTPHead();
    /** Parse an instance of HTTPHead from the given Reader */
    public static new HTTPHead Parse(System.IO.TextReader inpt) {
        return new TheParser(inpt).parse_HTTPHead();

    /** Field Class for HTTPHead.url */
    public class urlF : edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.Fields.any{}
    /** Field Class for HTTPHead.ver */
    public class verF : edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.Fields.any{}

    /** Get the ReqType of this Request */
    public HTTPReq.ReqType getType(){ return HTTPReq.ReqType.OTHER; }
    /** Return a Get Request for the given URL */
    public static HTTPHead Get(URL url)
    { return new GetReq(url, HTTPResp.VER); }
    /** Return a Head Request for the given URL */
    public static HTTPHead Head(URL url)
    { return new HeadReq(url, HTTPResp.VER); }
    /** Return a Post Request for the given URL */
    public static HTTPHead Post(URL url)
    { return new PostReq(url, HTTPResp.VER); }

    /** DGP method from Class PrintToString */
    public override String ToString(){ return global::edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.http.classes.PrintToString.PrintToStringM(this); }
    /** Getter for field HTTPHead.ver */
    public abstract HTTPVer GetVer();    /** Getter for field HTTPHead.url */
    public abstract URL GetUrl();