
Interface Summary
LastScene An interface that represents a function that draws the given World into/as a Scene after/when the World/Animation/Game has ended.
OnDraw An interface that represents a function that draws the given World into/as a Scene
OnKey<Msg extends Serializable> An interface that represents a function that produces a Package (World + Messages) when a Key is pressed.
OnMouse<Msg extends Serializable> An interface that represents a function that produces a Package (World + Messages) when a Mouse event occurs.
OnReceive<Msg extends Serializable> An interface that represents a function that produces a Package (World + Messages) when a Message is received.
OnRelease<Msg extends Serializable> An interface that represents a function that produces a Package (World + Messages) when a Key is released.
OnTick<Msg extends Serializable> An interface that represents a function that produces a Package (World + Messages) on each time tick.
StopWhen An interface that represents a function that determines when the World/Animation/Game should be stopped